Thursday, January 24, 2013


I would just like to apologize for my absence.  I am currently working on a script for a short film. More stuff should becoming soon!


Monday, January 14, 2013

Music Monday Part 1

This is a new twist to the Movies, Music, and More blog, every Monday I will be posting a list of about 5 songs that I couldn't get enough of this week!

5. Gone, Gone, Gone- Phillip Phillips

4. The Confrontation- Les Miserables

3. Demons- Imagine Dragons

2. I Will Wait- Mumford and Sons

1. Let Your Heart Hold Fast- Fort Atlantic 

I really dug these songs this week, Go check them out!  

More to come in the next couple of days!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My most anticipated movies of 2013

Now let me preface this list with a little note.  I love comic book movies, they are some of my favorites!  So my list is very biast to those types of movies!  With that said here goes my list of my most anticipated movies of 2013.

5: Coming in at number 5 is Star Trek: Into Darkness.  I am really excited not only for this movie but the Star Trek franchise in general.  You see I am not one you would call a "Trekkie" I like the franchise and I enjoy the universe, but I am not a die hard fan.  I only really got into Star Trek watching the older movies, especially Wrath of Khan.  Which if I am not mistaken, Into Darkness will feature "Khanish" themes through out!  I am really pumped for Star Trek: Into Darkness.

4:Thor: A Dark World.   Now Thor is my favorite Avenger.  He is just so awesome. There is not much more to it than that.  I am also excited to see Zachary Levi as Fandral and Alan Taylor(Game of Thrones Director) directing.  I am super pumped to see more of the realms, and the Dark Elves!  Thor: A Dark World is number 4. Thor is four.....I didn't plan that.

3: Ironman 3 at number three, Wow I am on a roll.  Anyway, Ironman was the big kick off for the Avengers project that Marvel had been dreaming up for a while.  In 2012 The Avengers was released and it was great, and judging from the first trailer the movie looks to be dealing with the effects on Ironman after what happened in the Avengers.  I love RDJ as Ironman and Ben Kingsley as Mandarin should be sweet.  IM3 is number 3 on the list.

2: The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug  Now from my previous blogs you know I am a huge fan of the Hobbit and LOTR.  So it is a no brainer that The Hobbit: DoS is on my list.  I absolutely loved Martin Freeman as Bilbo and the other dwarves were a hoot!  I can not wait till we can see the Desolation of Smaug.

1: Man of Steel  It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman!  That tone is no more being taken with this Superman.  With the imaginative direction of Zach Snyder, and the grounded realism of Christopher Nolan producing, we will no longer be getting a happy "boyscout" approach in the Man of Steel, and I am screaming with happiness!  Now although Snyder has made atrocities such as Sucker Punch, he has also created a bloody masterpiece in 300, and gritty, dark comic book film called Watchmen.  Even with Snyder's directing misstep, I believe Christopher Nolan will point him back in the right direction, and we will finally have a gritty Superman film!

Next weeks blog......Oscar Snubs.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Favorite Movies of 2012

With 2012 ending a few days ago I think it is appropriate to tell you my thoughts on my favorite movies of 2012!

5. Moonrise Kingdom- Now many of you will not know what this movie is about or even heard of it.  That is probably due to the film being released in select theaters.  Moonrise Kingdom stars, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, and two young actors Jared Gilman, and Kara Hayward.  This movie had an excellent cast, and a great director, Wes Anderson.  Moonrise Kingdom, is about a young boy and girl who fall in love and run off.  Basically, chaos ensues while the adults try to find them!  It is an excellently filmed movie and I really enjoyed it!

4. Skyfall- The 3rd movie in the Daniel Craig Bond installments.  I love the James Bond films, especially the movies starring Daniel Craig.  He has brought brute force and strength back to the Bond franchise, which was exactly what it needed.  Skyfall was my second favorite Bond film right behind Casino Royale.  Skyfall starred Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Javier Bardem, among others. It was directed by Sam Mendes who did a tremendous job.  My favorite thing about this film is the way it is filmed and lit. Huge props go to Roger Deakins! His cinematography in this movie was EPIC.  He has also done one of my favorite films Shawshank Redemption.  From the cinematography to the acting this film was a great!

3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- An unexpected journey indeed. Going into this movie I wanted this to be an epic adventure, but I wasn't sure if it would deliver.  Especially since I was such a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings, I had high expectations for Peter Jackson's journey back to Middle Earth.  He did not disappoint!  The Hobbit is the first installment into the story of Bilbo Baggins and his journey with thirteen dwarves and a wizard.  The film stars, Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, and a lot of dwarves.  The LOTR fanboy in me makes me love this movie!  Is The Hobbit the best adventure in Middle Earth? No. Was it an epic adventure in Middle Earth? Yes! That is what makes this movie my third favorite of 2012.

2. Les Miserables- I was first introduced into the world of Val Jean and Javert, when I was 14.  My mother made me watch the older movie starring Liam Neeson, and Geoffrey Rush.  That movie was all dialog and very long!  That thing could have been split into two movies if it had to.  I digress. Although liking all the characters and their stories, the film was ehhh.  When I heard news of this incarnation of Les Miserables I was super excited!  I love to sing so this was right in my ball park.  The level of excitement grew to elation when I heard who was cast, and who was directing!  Tom Hooper, directed The Kings Speech, which went on to win many oscars including Best Picture.  Les Mis stars, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, and others.  Great cast, great director, this movie could do me no wrong!  The singing was top notch, acting phenomenal, Les Mis is my 2nd favorite movie of 2012.

1. The Dark Knight Rises- Finally, we have reached my favorite movie of 2012 and one of my all time favorites ever! The Dark Knight Rises.  People who know me, have a pretty firm grasp on who my favorite superhero is...Batman.  That is why in 2005 when I watched Batman Begins I was blown away.  The origin story of Bruce Wayne has never been so fleshed out in film, and that is why it is the best origin film I have ever seen.  Christopher Nolan took the superhero genre and flipped it upside down, with The Dark Knight.  Proving that comic book movies are not just for kids, that they should be taken seriously as any other film should.  The Dark Knight was gritty, dark, and engaging.  On the edge of your seat thrill ride.  Heath Ledger gave the performance of his life!  Now the Dark Knight Rises comes along in 2012, a box office force.  It was just that too! The Dark Knight Rises starred Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon Levitt, the list goes on and on.  This film blew my mind, from Tom Hardy's chilling Bane, to the emotional journey that Bruce Wayne must overcome to stop this force.  Is this movie perfect? No. But what movie is?  I had the most fun in the theatre ever, while watching The Dark Knight Rises! That is why it is my number one movie of 2012!

In next weeks blog.......My most anticipated movies of 2013!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A little bit about myself....

While thinking about what I wanted to put in this first blog post I pondered what would be interesting to you readers.  Now from my experience and personal preference I like to know a little bit about the writer.  So that is exactly what this first post is about! Me and my movie influences and interest!  Lets get started!

My name is Brandon.  I am a believer in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I have another blog that is more focused towards that called Jesus is Lord.  Check it out!  Anyway back to the movies.  One of my  great memories of childhood was watching the Princess Bride.  Rob Reiner did an amazing job and it is a movie I could watch over and over again.  That movie really made an impact and made me want to watch movies forever!

Now I am a movie fanatic!  I love such movies as.... The Dark Knight Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Book of Eli, Gladiator, Braveheart! And a lot more!  I will be going into those movies and others more in depth in later blogs!  Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the blog!